Влияние малых доз ионизирующего облучения на сохранность клубней картофеля
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы по изменениям, происходящим в клубнях картофеля под действием ионизирующего облучения дозами. Проведены исследования по определению изменения активности ферментных и неферментных компонентов активных форм кислорода, изменению содержания белка, сахаров, лигнина. Изучено влияние облучения на прорастание и каллусогенез клубней.
In this work, an analytical review of the literature on the changes occurring in potato tubers under the influence of ionizing irradiation was compiled. Studies have been carried out to determine changes in the activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of reactive oxygen species, changes in the content of protein, sugars, lignin. The effect of radiation on germination and callusogenesis of tubers was studied.
In this work, an analytical review of the literature on the changes occurring in potato tubers under the influence of ionizing irradiation was compiled. Studies have been carried out to determine changes in the activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of reactive oxygen species, changes in the content of protein, sugars, lignin. The effect of radiation on germination and callusogenesis of tubers was studied.