Дипломатия империи Цин (середина XVII – первая половина XIX вв.)
В работе рассматривается эволюция дипломатических отношений империи Цин (1644–1912) на основных направлениях. Автор приходит к выводу, что за длительную историю империи её дипломатические отношения претерпели различные трансформации. По мнению автора, связи империи с зарубежными странами устанавливались на основе мироустроительной доктрины, не вполне соответствовавшей реалиям эпохи.
Ключевые слова: Дипломатия империи Цин, Китай, маньчжуры, падение Джунгарского ханства, торговля, империя Мин, Ост-Индская компания.
Diplomacy of the Qing Empire (mid-17th – first half of the 19th centuries)
The paper discusses the evolution of foreign policy relations and diplomacy of Qing Empire (1644–1912) in the main directions. The author came to the conclusion that over the long history of the Empire, its foreign policy has undergone various transformations. According to the author, the empire's ties with foreign countries were based on the principle of the world order doctrine, which didn’t fully correspond to the realities of the era.
Key words: Diplomacy of the Qing Empire, China, Manchus, collapse of the Dzungar Khanate, trade, Ming Empire, East India Company.
Ключевые слова: Дипломатия империи Цин, Китай, маньчжуры, падение Джунгарского ханства, торговля, империя Мин, Ост-Индская компания.
Diplomacy of the Qing Empire (mid-17th – first half of the 19th centuries)
The paper discusses the evolution of foreign policy relations and diplomacy of Qing Empire (1644–1912) in the main directions. The author came to the conclusion that over the long history of the Empire, its foreign policy has undergone various transformations. According to the author, the empire's ties with foreign countries were based on the principle of the world order doctrine, which didn’t fully correspond to the realities of the era.
Key words: Diplomacy of the Qing Empire, China, Manchus, collapse of the Dzungar Khanate, trade, Ming Empire, East India Company.