Гендерные особенности коммуникативного поведения телеведущего (на материале политических ток-шоу)

Харитонова Юлия Сергеевна


Annotation for the dissertation for the degree of Master Kharitonova Yulia Sergeevna
Gender features of the communicative behavior of the TV presenter (based on political talk shows)
Scientific adviser: Doctor of Philology, Professor Mikhailova Olga Alekseevna
This dissertation describes the female and male communicative behavior of the leading talk shows, the identification of communicative rules and principles that they follow throughout the broadcast in the context of their gender role. In our study, we turned to the analysis of the gender specificity of speech behavior of TV hostesses Vladimir Solovyov and Olga Skabaeva, two popular and iconic figures of Russian television. During the research, we identified a universal set of strategies for each individual: self-presentation strategy, discredit strategy, cooperative-phatic strategy, persuitiveness strategy. Such a universal set of identified strategies (and representing their tactics) allows us to conclude that today in political discourse femininity is neutralized, but at the same time the tendency to apply both male and female gender strategies begins to develop actively. This new feature of modern political discourse is at the stage of formation and needs further consideration.
Key words: gender, communicative behavior, political discourse, strategy, tactics.