Рецепция А. Ахматовой в XX–XXI вв.: стратегии моделирования образа
Работа представляет собой изучение автобиографии Анны Ахматовой, выявление автомифа и способ управления им. Также были изучены мемуары и воспоминания современников Ахматовой, написанные при жизни поэта и после смерти. Данное разделение на прижизненные воспоминания и посмертные показывает динамику развития мифа. Изучена современная рецепция Ахматовой в виде кинематографа и популяризаторских сюжетов. Выявлены главные темы и сюжеты в написании мемуаров, посвященных Ахматовой: чаще всего авторы пишут о портрете Ахматовой, упоминают её мифы, а также описывают быт и характер поэта.
The theme of this Diploma work is the research of the autobiography of Anna Akhmatova and the identification of the automyth and studying of its management method. Also, in this diploma work the memories and recollections of Anna Akhmatova’s contemporaries were observed. These materials were written during her lifetime and after death of the poet. The following subdivision into the lifetime memories and posthumous ones shows the dynamics of myth development.
In this work the modern reception of Akhmatova’s work were studied in the form of cinema and popularizing stories.
The main themes and plots in the writing of the memoirs dedicated to Akhmatova were revealed: the most often authors write about the portrait of Akhmatova, mention her myths, and also describe the daily routines and poet’s character.
The theme of this Diploma work is the research of the autobiography of Anna Akhmatova and the identification of the automyth and studying of its management method. Also, in this diploma work the memories and recollections of Anna Akhmatova’s contemporaries were observed. These materials were written during her lifetime and after death of the poet. The following subdivision into the lifetime memories and posthumous ones shows the dynamics of myth development.
In this work the modern reception of Akhmatova’s work were studied in the form of cinema and popularizing stories.
The main themes and plots in the writing of the memoirs dedicated to Akhmatova were revealed: the most often authors write about the portrait of Akhmatova, mention her myths, and also describe the daily routines and poet’s character.