Влияние западных санкций на российско-французскую и российско-итальянскую торговлю (2014–2023 гг.)
Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена проблеме влияния западных санкций, на торговые отношения России со странами - членами Евросоюза: Францией и Италией в период 2014-2023 гг. В работе проанализированы динамика, структура торговых отношений и факторы, повлиявшие на данные изменения торговли между Россией и изучаемыми странами, в контексте западных санкций и российских контрмер. Был сделан вывод о том, что кроме торговых и финансовых санкций, в том числе - девяти пакетов Евросоюза, принятых в 2022 году и трех пакетов в 2023 году, на торговлю между Россией и изучаемыми странами, повлияли такие факторы, как: темпы экономического роста в России, Италии и Франции, пандемия COVID-19, динамика курса рубля и доллара, а также изменение цен на энергоносители, и, фактический обход Италией и Францией действующих санкций.
The final qualifying work is devoted to the problem of the impact of Western sanctions on Russia's trade relations with EU member states: France and Italy in the period 2014-2023. The paper analyzed the dynamics and structure of trade relations, as well as factors that influenced changes in the dynamics and structure of trade between Russia and the countries under study in the context of Western sanctions and Russian countermeasures. It was concluded that in addition to trade and financial sanctions, including nine EU packages adopted in 2022 and three packages in 2023, trade between Russia and the countries under study was influenced by factors such as: economic growth rates in Russia, Italy and France, the COVID-19 pandemic, the dynamics of the ruble and dollar exchange rates, as well as changes in energy prices, and, the actual circumvention of existing sanctions by Italy and France.
The final qualifying work is devoted to the problem of the impact of Western sanctions on Russia's trade relations with EU member states: France and Italy in the period 2014-2023. The paper analyzed the dynamics and structure of trade relations, as well as factors that influenced changes in the dynamics and structure of trade between Russia and the countries under study in the context of Western sanctions and Russian countermeasures. It was concluded that in addition to trade and financial sanctions, including nine EU packages adopted in 2022 and three packages in 2023, trade between Russia and the countries under study was influenced by factors such as: economic growth rates in Russia, Italy and France, the COVID-19 pandemic, the dynamics of the ruble and dollar exchange rates, as well as changes in energy prices, and, the actual circumvention of existing sanctions by Italy and France.