Роль карликовых государств Америки и Океании в международных экономических и политических процессах
Работа посвящена анализу роли карликовых государств Америки и Океании в контексте международных отношений. Проведено качественное и количественное сравнение между группами микрогосударств американского и тихоокеанского регионов. В работе изучено большое количество баз данных различного характера, на основании которых было произведено сопоставление информации по разным ключевым направлениям деятельности исследуемых стран и был озвучен ряд тезисов, по заключению часть из которых были представлены в виде выводов.
Ключевые слова: микрогосударство, карликовое государство, Океания, Америка, Карибский бассейн, Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, товарооборот, Совет Безопасности ООН, международные организации
The work is devoted to the analysis of the role of the microstates of America and Oceania in the context of international relations. A qualitative and quantitative comparison is made between the groups of microstates of the American and Pacific regions. The work studied a large number of databases of a different nature, on the basis of which information was compared on different key areas of activity of the studied countries and a number of these were voiced, in conclusion, some of which were presented in the form of conclusions.
Keywords: microstate, Oceania, America, Caribbean, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, trade, UN Security Council, international organizations
Ключевые слова: микрогосударство, карликовое государство, Океания, Америка, Карибский бассейн, Сент-Винсент и Гренадины, товарооборот, Совет Безопасности ООН, международные организации
The work is devoted to the analysis of the role of the microstates of America and Oceania in the context of international relations. A qualitative and quantitative comparison is made between the groups of microstates of the American and Pacific regions. The work studied a large number of databases of a different nature, on the basis of which information was compared on different key areas of activity of the studied countries and a number of these were voiced, in conclusion, some of which were presented in the form of conclusions.
Keywords: microstate, Oceania, America, Caribbean, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, trade, UN Security Council, international organizations