Торговые отношения России и Германии во втором десятилетии XXI в.
В данной работе внимание сосредоточено явной нестабильности передвижения экспорта и импорта между Германией и Россией. В связи с этим специфическим аспектом является зависимость торговых отношений от внешнеполитических действий. В то же время целостная картина позволяет оценить потенциал прогнозирования торговых отношений.Автором проводится краткий обзор истории возникновения и развития торговых отношений и их влияния на становление международных отношений в целом. Разбираются взаимоотношения Германии и России в экономической сфере, а также особенности их совместной политики. Проводится анализ мер контроля внешней торговли Германии и на основе этого выводятся перспективы развития внешней торговли этих двух стран.Ключевые слова: экономика, Германия, Россия, экспорт и импорт, международные отношения, торговые отношения.
This paper focuses on the apparent instability of the movement of exports and imports between Germany and Russia. In this regard, a specific aspect is dependence of trade relations on foreign policy actions. At the same time, the overall picture allows us to assess the potential of forecasting trade relations.The author provides a brief overview of the history of the emergence and development of trade relations and their impact on the formation of international relations in general. The article examines the relations between Germany and Russia in the economic sphere, as well as the specifics of their joint policy. The analysis of Germany's foreign trade control measures is carried out and on the basis of this, the prospects for the development of foreign trade of these two countries are derived.Key words: economic, Germany, Russia, exports and imports, international relations, trade relations.
This paper focuses on the apparent instability of the movement of exports and imports between Germany and Russia. In this regard, a specific aspect is dependence of trade relations on foreign policy actions. At the same time, the overall picture allows us to assess the potential of forecasting trade relations.The author provides a brief overview of the history of the emergence and development of trade relations and their impact on the formation of international relations in general. The article examines the relations between Germany and Russia in the economic sphere, as well as the specifics of their joint policy. The analysis of Germany's foreign trade control measures is carried out and on the basis of this, the prospects for the development of foreign trade of these two countries are derived.Key words: economic, Germany, Russia, exports and imports, international relations, trade relations.