Италия в общей политике безопасности и обороны в 2000-х гг.
Выпускная квалификационная работа изложена на 44 страницах. Для её написания было использовано 40 источников. Проект состоит из введения, двух глав и заключения. Цель выпускной квалификационной работы - изучение и анализ системы европейской безопасности в рамках одного, отдельно взятого государства и его политики, и его подходов к формированию новой военной доктрины. В первой главе «Вооруженные силы Италии после реформирования в рамках Общей стратегии безопасности ЕС» рассматривается деятельность государственных институтов в области военной политики, проводится анализ их положения в системе власти, а также их изменение и влияние после реформационных процессов в области обороны. Во второй главе «Участие Итальянской Республики в военных операциях в 2000-х гг.» анализируется развитие итальянской военной политики, взаимодействие субъектов политического процесса и принятие стратегических решений институтами власти во время операций за рубежом.
Ключевые слова: Военная политика, Италия, военная доктрина, военная реформа, государство
The graduation qualification thesis is presented on 44 pages. 34 sources were used to write it. The project consists of an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The purpose of the graduation qualification thesis is to study and analyze the European security system within the framework of a single state and its policies, and its approaches to the formation of a new military doctrine. The first Chapter, "the Italian Armed forces after reform in the framework of the EU's General security strategy", examines the activities of state institutions in the field of military policy, analyzes their position in the system of power, as well as their changes and impact after the reform processes in the field of defense. The second Chapter "Participation of the Italian Republic in military operations in the 2000s" analyzes the development of Italian military policy, the interaction of political actors and the adoption of strategic decisions by government institutions during operations abroad.
Key words: Military policy, Italy, military doctrine, military reform, state
Ключевые слова: Военная политика, Италия, военная доктрина, военная реформа, государство
The graduation qualification thesis is presented on 44 pages. 34 sources were used to write it. The project consists of an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The purpose of the graduation qualification thesis is to study and analyze the European security system within the framework of a single state and its policies, and its approaches to the formation of a new military doctrine. The first Chapter, "the Italian Armed forces after reform in the framework of the EU's General security strategy", examines the activities of state institutions in the field of military policy, analyzes their position in the system of power, as well as their changes and impact after the reform processes in the field of defense. The second Chapter "Participation of the Italian Republic in military operations in the 2000s" analyzes the development of Italian military policy, the interaction of political actors and the adoption of strategic decisions by government institutions during operations abroad.
Key words: Military policy, Italy, military doctrine, military reform, state