Цифровая дипломатия Испании в ХХI в.
Работа посвящена анализу Цифровой дипломатии Испании в XXI веке. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы, медиа-площадок: Twitter, Facebook, было проведено исследование деятельности и эффективности цифровой дипломатии МИДа Испании и её современных тенденций. Приоритетными направлениями стало взаимодействие правительства Испании с ее гражданами, установление диалога и международного сотрудничества через цифровые платформы с иностранными государствами. Одним из немаловажных факторов стал компаративный анализ инструментов и механизмов влияния Цифровой дипломатии Испании с некоторыми странами с использованием необработанных данных, собранных в Twitter. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что Испания посредством Twitter продвигает имидж и культуру страны, способствует сплочению испаноговорящих народов, используя мягкую силу.
Ключевые слова: внешняя политика, цифровая дипломатия, мягкая сила, социальные сети, Испания.
The work is devoted to the analysis of the Digital diplomacy of Spain in the 21st century. A study is based on a wide set of sources and literature and media sites: Twitter, Facebook, study was conducted on the activities and effectiveness of digital diplomacy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Spain and its current trends. During the work main activities of Spain became the interaction of the Government of Spain with its citizens, the establishment of dialogue and international cooperation through digital platforms with foreign countries. Special areas of the Digital diplomacy in Spain became comparative analysis of Spain’s instruments and mechanisms of influence with some countries using raw data collected on Twitter. The conclusion was Spain through Twitter promotes the image and culture of the country, promotes the unity of Hispanic peoples using soft power.
Keywords: foreign policy, digital diplomacy, soft power, social networks, Spain.
Ключевые слова: внешняя политика, цифровая дипломатия, мягкая сила, социальные сети, Испания.
The work is devoted to the analysis of the Digital diplomacy of Spain in the 21st century. A study is based on a wide set of sources and literature and media sites: Twitter, Facebook, study was conducted on the activities and effectiveness of digital diplomacy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Spain and its current trends. During the work main activities of Spain became the interaction of the Government of Spain with its citizens, the establishment of dialogue and international cooperation through digital platforms with foreign countries. Special areas of the Digital diplomacy in Spain became comparative analysis of Spain’s instruments and mechanisms of influence with some countries using raw data collected on Twitter. The conclusion was Spain through Twitter promotes the image and culture of the country, promotes the unity of Hispanic peoples using soft power.
Keywords: foreign policy, digital diplomacy, soft power, social networks, Spain.