Ролевое развитие и использование военных потенциалов в Европейском союзе (2011–2019 гг.)
Выпускная квалификационная работа изложена на 52 страницах, включает 3 таблицы и 3 рисунка. Для её написания использовано 33 источника и 29 единиц литературы. Исследование состоит из введения, двух глав и заключения. Цель выпускной квалификационной работы – выявление специализации государств Европейского Союза в той или иной сфере военной деятельности, а также оснований создания и возможностей дальнейшего использования военных потенциалов Европейским союзом. Объектом исследования являются политические процессы в Европейском союзе. Предмет исследования – рассмотрение военных инициатив, выдвинутых в рамках Европейского союза. В первой главе «Гентская инициатива министров обороны Европейского (Poolingandsharing и её реализация (2011-2016 гг.)»раскрываются теоретические основы Гентской инициативы, а также приводится специализация государств ЕС по родам войск. Во второй главе «Влияние Глобальной стратегии безопасности Европейского Союза на ролевое развитие военных потенциалов в странах ЕС» рассматривается сама Глобальная стратегия 2016 г. и восприятие её в странах ЕС.
Ключевые слова: Гентская инициатива, Европейская безопасность, Глобальная стратегия безопасности ЕС, Европейская армия.
The final qualifying work is presented on 52 pages, includes 3 tables and 3 figures. For its writing, 33 sources and 29 units of literature were used. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The purpose of the final qualification work is to identify the specialization of the European Union States in a particular field of military activity, as well as the grounds for creating and opportunities for further use of military capabilities by the European Union. The object of the research is political processes in the European Union. The subject of the study is a review of military initiatives put forward within the European Union. In the first Chapter, " the Ghent initiative of the European defense Ministers (Pooling and sharing and its implementation (2011-2016)", the theoretical foundations of the Ghent initiative are revealed, as well as the specialization of EU States by military branches. The second Chapter, "the Impact of the European Union's Global security strategy on the role development of military capabilities in the EU", examines the 2016 global strategy itself and the perception of it in the EU countries.
Keywords: Pooling and Sharing, European security, EU global security strategy, European army.
Ключевые слова: Гентская инициатива, Европейская безопасность, Глобальная стратегия безопасности ЕС, Европейская армия.
The final qualifying work is presented on 52 pages, includes 3 tables and 3 figures. For its writing, 33 sources and 29 units of literature were used. The study consists of an introduction, two chapters, and a conclusion. The purpose of the final qualification work is to identify the specialization of the European Union States in a particular field of military activity, as well as the grounds for creating and opportunities for further use of military capabilities by the European Union. The object of the research is political processes in the European Union. The subject of the study is a review of military initiatives put forward within the European Union. In the first Chapter, " the Ghent initiative of the European defense Ministers (Pooling and sharing and its implementation (2011-2016)", the theoretical foundations of the Ghent initiative are revealed, as well as the specialization of EU States by military branches. The second Chapter, "the Impact of the European Union's Global security strategy on the role development of military capabilities in the EU", examines the 2016 global strategy itself and the perception of it in the EU countries.
Keywords: Pooling and Sharing, European security, EU global security strategy, European army.