Российско-грузинские отношения в 2003–2008 гг.
Работа посвящена российско-грузинским отношениям в период 2003-2008 гг. На основании анализа большого количества источников и литературы были выделены основные факторы, повлиявшие на возникновение российско-грузинского конфликта, результатом которого стало вооруженное столкновение в 2008 г. В ходе работы было проанализировано влияние многочисленных факторов, существенно изменивших ход развития российско-грузинских отношений.
Ключевые слова: Россия, Грузия, военный конфликт, политический конфликт, политическое урегулирование.
The work is devoted to Russian-Georgian relations in the period 2003-2008. Based on the analysis of many sources and literature, the main factors were identified that influenced the outbreak of the Russian-Georgian conflict, which resulted in an armed conflict in 2008. In the course of the work, the influence of numerous factors that significantly changed the development of Russian-Georgian relations.
Keyword: Russia, Georgia, military conflict, political conflict, political settlement.
Ключевые слова: Россия, Грузия, военный конфликт, политический конфликт, политическое урегулирование.
The work is devoted to Russian-Georgian relations in the period 2003-2008. Based on the analysis of many sources and literature, the main factors were identified that influenced the outbreak of the Russian-Georgian conflict, which resulted in an armed conflict in 2008. In the course of the work, the influence of numerous factors that significantly changed the development of Russian-Georgian relations.
Keyword: Russia, Georgia, military conflict, political conflict, political settlement.