Организация «ООН – Женщины» как актор международных отношений
Работа посвящена анализу деятельности организации ООН-Женщины как актора международных отношений. Для более глубокого понимания деятельности организации изучаются не только ее действия на современном этапе, но и предпосылки для создания организации, ее предыстория и программные документы, на основе которых организация проводит свою деятельность. Проанализирована структура организации и формат ее работы, основные сферы деятельности организации и конкретные примеры осуществленных программ. Изучено сотрудничество организации ООН-Женщины с Россией и странами СНГ. В результате анализа выявляются международные проблемы и вызовы, с которыми работает организация в настоящее время и разбирается ее деятельность как актора международных отношений.
Ключевые слова: ООН-Женщины, международные отношения, гендерное неравенство, феминизм.
This work is devoted to the analysis of the actions of the UN-Women organization as of an actor of international relations. For deeper understanding of the organization’s activities not only its actions at the present stage are studied, but also the prerequisites for its creating, its background and program documents, on the basis of which the organization is working. During the work, the structure of the organization and the format of its work were analyzed, as well as the main areas of activity of the organization and specific examples of implemented programs. UN-Women’s collaboration with Russia and the CIS was also examined. The analysis identifies international problems and challenges that the organization is currently working with and analyzes its activities as an actor in international relations.
Key words: UN-Women, international relations, gender inequality, feminism.
Ключевые слова: ООН-Женщины, международные отношения, гендерное неравенство, феминизм.
This work is devoted to the analysis of the actions of the UN-Women organization as of an actor of international relations. For deeper understanding of the organization’s activities not only its actions at the present stage are studied, but also the prerequisites for its creating, its background and program documents, on the basis of which the organization is working. During the work, the structure of the organization and the format of its work were analyzed, as well as the main areas of activity of the organization and specific examples of implemented programs. UN-Women’s collaboration with Russia and the CIS was also examined. The analysis identifies international problems and challenges that the organization is currently working with and analyzes its activities as an actor in international relations.
Key words: UN-Women, international relations, gender inequality, feminism.