Китайско-казахстанские отношения в ХХI в.
Работа посвящена изучению развитии Китайско-казахстанские отношения в начале XXI в. Анализ научной и периодической литературы по теме работы показал, что данная тема исследована достаточно обстоятельно. Существует достаточно много работ по проблематике Китайско-казахстанские в рамках этой организации. В то же время недостаточно внимания уделяется анализу тех противоречий, которые имеются между Китаем и Казахстаном и перспективам развития. выделены и проанализированы перспектив и проблем китайско-казахстанского,проанализированы позиции и значение Китая в решении региональных проблем, рассмотрены особенности китайской политики в отношении центрально-азиатских государств и Казахстана на современном этапе; определены направления возможного Китайско-казахстанского сотрудничества и его перспективы.
Ключевые слова: Китай, Казахстан, добрососедские.
Чжао Бо
China-Kazakhstan relations in the the beginning 21st century.
The work is devoted to the study of the development of China-Kazakhstan relations in the early 21st century. Analysis of scientific and periodical literature on the topic of the work showed that this topic has been studied in sufficient detail. There are a lot of works on the problems of China-Kazakhstan within the framework of this organization. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the contradictions that exist between China and Kazakhstan and the prospects for development. highlighted and analyzed the prospects and problems of China-Kazakhstan, analyzed the positions and significance of China in solving regional problems, examined the peculiarities of Chinese policy towards the Central Asian states and Kazakhstan at the present stage; the directions of possible China-Kazakh cooperation and its prospects are outlined.
Key words: China, Kazakhstan, good-neighbor.
Ключевые слова: Китай, Казахстан, добрососедские.
Чжао Бо
China-Kazakhstan relations in the the beginning 21st century.
The work is devoted to the study of the development of China-Kazakhstan relations in the early 21st century. Analysis of scientific and periodical literature on the topic of the work showed that this topic has been studied in sufficient detail. There are a lot of works on the problems of China-Kazakhstan within the framework of this organization. At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of the contradictions that exist between China and Kazakhstan and the prospects for development. highlighted and analyzed the prospects and problems of China-Kazakhstan, analyzed the positions and significance of China in solving regional problems, examined the peculiarities of Chinese policy towards the Central Asian states and Kazakhstan at the present stage; the directions of possible China-Kazakh cooperation and its prospects are outlined.
Key words: China, Kazakhstan, good-neighbor.