Инструменты мягкой силы Китая в России в начале XXI века
Работа посвящена анализу инструментов мягкой силы, которые использует Китай для продвижения своих интересов в России. В работе рассматривается развитие политического реализма, становление концепции «мягкая сила» и ее использование Китаем в России. Были изучены такие инструменты мягкой силы Китая, как Институты Конфуция, международное радио Китая (CRI), международное телевидение Китая (CCTV). Важной частью исследования является рассмотрение экономического сотрудничества между Россией и Китаем в области инвестиций и торговли, которые рассматриваются в работе как мягкая сила. Были проанализированы гуманитарные связи между странами в области культуры, науки, образования. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что инструменты мягкой силы Китая в России играют важную роль, их эффективность будет усиливаться, с целью формирования дружественных отношений между странами.
Ключевые слова: Китай, Россия, мягкая сила, экономические отношения, культурное сотрудничество.
Flyagin Vladimir
Chinese «soft power» tools in Russia in the beginning of the XXI century
The paper is devoted to the analysis of Chinese soft power tools in Russia. The research considers the development of political realism, the formation "soft power" concept and Chinese approach to the concept. Such tools of China's soft power as the Confucius Institutes, China International Radio (CRI), and China Central Television (CCTV) were studied. The important part of the study is the consideration of economic cooperation between Russia and China in the field of foreign investment and international trade, which is considered in the work as a soft power. Humanitarian relations between the countries in the field of culture, science and education were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that China's soft power tools play the important role, their effectiveness will be strengthened, with the aim of forming friendly relations between countries.
Key words: China, Russia, soft power, economical relations, cultural cooperation.
Ключевые слова: Китай, Россия, мягкая сила, экономические отношения, культурное сотрудничество.
Flyagin Vladimir
Chinese «soft power» tools in Russia in the beginning of the XXI century
The paper is devoted to the analysis of Chinese soft power tools in Russia. The research considers the development of political realism, the formation "soft power" concept and Chinese approach to the concept. Such tools of China's soft power as the Confucius Institutes, China International Radio (CRI), and China Central Television (CCTV) were studied. The important part of the study is the consideration of economic cooperation between Russia and China in the field of foreign investment and international trade, which is considered in the work as a soft power. Humanitarian relations between the countries in the field of culture, science and education were analyzed. As a result of the study, it was concluded that China's soft power tools play the important role, their effectiveness will be strengthened, with the aim of forming friendly relations between countries.
Key words: China, Russia, soft power, economical relations, cultural cooperation.