Публичная дипломатия Республики Корея в XXI веке
Работа посвящена анализу публичной дипломатии Республики Корея в XXI веке. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы было проведено исследование инструментов и особенностей публичной дипломатии страны. В ходе работы была проанализирована деятельность государственных и неправительственных структур, занимающихся вопросами публичной дипломатии. Приоритетными направлениями стали программы по повышению престижа государства на международной арене, использование спортивной, культурной и гастродипломатии. Важную роль в публичной дипломатии Республики Корея также играет привлечение корейской диаспоры. В результате исследования был сделан вывод, что Республика Корея обладает большим потенциалом «мягкой силы» для создания эффективной национальной долгосрочной концепции публичной дипломатии.
South Korean Public Diplomacy in the 21st century
The work analyzes the public diplomacy instruments and potential of South Korea in the 21st century. This study is based on a wide range of sources and literature and focuses on public diplomacy specifics that South Korea exercises in practice. The key areas of governmental and non-governmental activities are programs to improve the national image of the country in the international arena, different aspects of sport, cultural and gastrodiplomacy that implement national strategy and enforce the foreign policy. At the present stage, the involvement of the Korean diaspora also plays a significant role in structuring relations with other countries. As a result, South Korea has a variety of soft power tools to create an effective national long-term public diplomacy strategy.
South Korean Public Diplomacy in the 21st century
The work analyzes the public diplomacy instruments and potential of South Korea in the 21st century. This study is based on a wide range of sources and literature and focuses on public diplomacy specifics that South Korea exercises in practice. The key areas of governmental and non-governmental activities are programs to improve the national image of the country in the international arena, different aspects of sport, cultural and gastrodiplomacy that implement national strategy and enforce the foreign policy. At the present stage, the involvement of the Korean diaspora also plays a significant role in structuring relations with other countries. As a result, South Korea has a variety of soft power tools to create an effective national long-term public diplomacy strategy.