Политика расширения НАТО на Восток (1999 – 2016): цели, задачи, итоги
Работа посвящена анализу расширения НАТО на Восток в XXI в. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы было проведено исследование политики НАТО в области расширения в период 1999 – 2016 гг. В ходе работы были проанализированы основные направления деятельности НАТО в области расширения Альянса и создания партнерств с третьими странами, а именно вовлечение стран Восточной Европы и Балкан в Альянс. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что трансформация НАТО и ее расширение способствовало превращению Альянса из региональной организации в глобального актора современных международных отношений.
The policy of NATO expansion to the East (1999 - 2016):
Goals, objectives, outcomes
The work is devoted to the analysis of NATO's expansion to the East in the 21st century. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study of NATO's expansion policy was conducted in the period of 1999 – 2016 years. In the course of the work, the main activities of NATO in the area of expanding and building of partnerships with third countries so as the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans were analyzed. In addition, the creation and deepening of partnership with countries cooperating with NATO in the field of security plays an important role in expansion policy. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the transformation of NATO and its expansion contributed to the transformation of the Alliance from a regional organization into a global actor of modern international relations.
The policy of NATO expansion to the East (1999 - 2016):
Goals, objectives, outcomes
The work is devoted to the analysis of NATO's expansion to the East in the 21st century. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study of NATO's expansion policy was conducted in the period of 1999 – 2016 years. In the course of the work, the main activities of NATO in the area of expanding and building of partnerships with third countries so as the countries of Eastern Europe and the Balkans were analyzed. In addition, the creation and deepening of partnership with countries cooperating with NATO in the field of security plays an important role in expansion policy. As a result of the study, it was concluded that the transformation of NATO and its expansion contributed to the transformation of the Alliance from a regional organization into a global actor of modern international relations.