Современные процессы регионализации
Работа посвящена изучению процесса регионализации и его теоретических аспектов. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы было проведено исследование условий для эволюции в контексте регионализации. В ходе работы были проанализированы различные интерпретации в концепциях современных исследователей данного процесса. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что наиболее перспективными проектами с точки зрения регионализации представляются субрегиональные группировки стран, которые относятся к одному и тому же культурно-цивилизационному типу, имеют схожие уровни и типы социально-экономического развития.
The work is devoted to the study of the regionalization process and its theoretical aspects. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study was made of the conditions for evolution in the context of regionalization. During the work different interpretations in the concepts of modern researchers of this process were analyzed. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the most promising projects from the point of view of regionalization are subregional groupings of countries that belong to the same cultural and civilizational type, have similar levels and types of socio-economic development.
The work is devoted to the study of the regionalization process and its theoretical aspects. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study was made of the conditions for evolution in the context of regionalization. During the work different interpretations in the concepts of modern researchers of this process were analyzed. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the most promising projects from the point of view of regionalization are subregional groupings of countries that belong to the same cultural and civilizational type, have similar levels and types of socio-economic development.