Проблемы Обзорной конференции ДНЯО 2015 г.
Работа посвящена анализу эффективности ДНЯО после Обзорной конференции 2015 г. В ходе исследования были рассмотрены современные вызовы режиму нераспространения ядерного оружия через призму теорий международных отношений, выявлены перспективы режима после рассматриваемой конференции. Анализ проблем Обзорной конференции 2015 г. проводился с учетом междисциплинарного контекста, который сочетает в себе несколько составляющих: ядерное нераспространение, мирное использование атомной энергии, разоружение стран, обладающих ядерным оружием. Исследование показывает, что режим нераспространения ядерного оружия проходит путь трансформации вследствие расширения акторов международных отношений и увеличения спектра вопросов, связанных с ядерным оружием.
Ключевые слова: режим безопасности, режим нераспространения ядерного оружия, ДНЯО, Обзорная конференция ДНЯО, ЯОГ, НЯОГ.
The work is devoted to the analysis of efficiency the NPT after Review Conference in 2015. In the study, there were considered modern challenges to the regime of non-proliferation the nuclear weapons were examined through the prism of the theories of international relations, the prospects for the regime after this conference. Analysis of problems of Review Conference in 2015 was carried out taking into account the interdisciplinary context, which combines several components: nuclear non-proliferation, peaceful use of atomic energy, disarmament of countries which possessing nuclear weapons. The study shows that the regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons undergoes a transformation because of the expansion of actors in international relations and the increase in the range of issues related to nuclear weapon.
Keywords: security regime, regime of non-proliferation, The NPT, the NPT Review Conference.
Ключевые слова: режим безопасности, режим нераспространения ядерного оружия, ДНЯО, Обзорная конференция ДНЯО, ЯОГ, НЯОГ.
The work is devoted to the analysis of efficiency the NPT after Review Conference in 2015. In the study, there were considered modern challenges to the regime of non-proliferation the nuclear weapons were examined through the prism of the theories of international relations, the prospects for the regime after this conference. Analysis of problems of Review Conference in 2015 was carried out taking into account the interdisciplinary context, which combines several components: nuclear non-proliferation, peaceful use of atomic energy, disarmament of countries which possessing nuclear weapons. The study shows that the regime of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons undergoes a transformation because of the expansion of actors in international relations and the increase in the range of issues related to nuclear weapon.
Keywords: security regime, regime of non-proliferation, The NPT, the NPT Review Conference.