Детерминанты оттоков прямых иностранных инвестиций в мировой экономике
Numerous studies have shown that FDI precipitated economic growth in many parts of the world, increasing gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) from 4.3% in 2000 to 7.1% in 2021 [OECD, 2022]. This supports the growing evidence that outward FDI could act as a channel for catch-up strategy to acquire technology and knowledge, upgrade production processes, boost competitiveness, augment managerial skills, and access distribution networks. This can increase a country’s investment competitiveness, crucial for long-term sustainable growth relevant for both home and host country’s economic growth. Thus, outward FDI has increasingly become an indispensable tool for both local and foreign firms to maintain and increase their investment competitiveness. Notwithstanding these positive externalities, seminal papers from international economic (IE) and business (IB) scholars have revealed that outward FDI spillover may be associated with negative effect for home country since domestic companies choose to invest abroad rather than invest at home. They further argued that overseas investment may lead to “hollowing-out” phenomenon (de-industrialization), transfer capital,
create unemployment, which eventually decrease home country economic growth. Thus, outward FDI spillover from home country remains issue among international economics scholars.
create unemployment, which eventually decrease home country economic growth. Thus, outward FDI spillover from home country remains issue among international economics scholars.