Исследование роли женщин как человеческого ресурса в компаниях Сомали / Тhe study of the role of women as human resource in the Somalia’s companies

Мохамед Балкиз Осман


The main Purpose of this researches the study using women as human resource in the company Somalia. To establish the woman Equal opportunities and human resources management in Somalia case. The population of this study will be the women Employee companies in Somalia; the research will target 10 to women Employee companies’ product. This number of women will be an adequate representative for testing purpose. To determine the woman discrimination and human resources in Somalia case. To identify the role of Women human resources in organization success in Somalia There are many research methodologies to collect data in my research paper; Despite the shortage of concrete research and studies previous done both literature review and primary data through data collection and interview with women it involves in companies will be the methodology of this study to achieve its intended objectives. The primary data collection will assisted in providing facts and figures for comparison and analysis while, the literature review providing an in depth background information on existing records I will use questionnaire and interview to obtain empirical data which explicitly represent my lovely, beloved of women business owners of Somalia in order to attain their views about Somalia women as Human resource company.