Влияние глобализации на лидерство в компании

Чу Нгок Зуи Ли


Master's thesis (ВКР) consists of the introduction, three chapters, conclusion, bibliographic list, and 4 appendices. The work includes 4 tables and 7 figures. The total volume of the master's thesis (ВКР) is 86 pages. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the chosen topic, as well as defines the purpose and objectives of the study.
Chapter 1 examines the concept and definition of leadership and globalization, types of leadership and their responsibilities in a company, and also describes the impact of globalization on leadership.
Chapter 2 presents a comparative analysis of leadership in different globalized companies, and also discusses Methodical recommendation for company leadership in time of globalization.
The conclusion contains information about the achieved goal and the implemented tasks set in the introduction to this work.
The list of references represents the sources that were accessed during the research.
The appendix includes detailed graph and tables that are relevant to the reseed.
Keywords: Globalisation, leadership, company, competency, skills, effectiveness, communication, soft skills.
The subject of research: The impact of globalization on company leadership.
The object of research: Company leadership in time of globalization.
The purpose of the research: To analyze and determine the impact of globalization on company leadership and to develop on this basis a recommendation for leadership in time of globalization.
According to the purpose of the research, the objectives of the study are as following
- Define the understanding of leadership and globalization;
- Examine types of leadership and their responsibilities in a company;
- Investigate the impact of globalization on leadership;
- Analyze of leadership in different globalized companies;
- Conduct a methodical recommendation for company leadership in
Research methods:
- Study and analysis of psychological, economical and methodological literature to prepare for the base of this thesis and to get a well-informed look on this problem;
- Learning from leaders' work experience to get a better understand of their point of view from interviews, autobiography or official statements and learn from their experience;
- Working with the conceptual apparatus by studying terms, concepts and definitions, such as leadership and globalization, that are essential to this thesis;
- Grouping and systematization methods for the conceptual apparatus, parameters or dimensions of type of leadership, the impact of globalization on leadership, for a more organized and methodical approach;
- Systematic approach and comparison of leadership in different globalized companies to gain a more well-rounded and in-depth knowledge on the subject.
This thesis uses the mix method. The quantitative method for data analysis, but mostly quantitative, as there are a lot of books, articles, and journals to explore.
The main points of scientific novelty are not only in the study of concepts, such as: "leadership", "globalization", but also in the consideration and study of theoretical aspect of globalization’s impact on company leadership by various researchers, as well as the analysis of the practical aspect of globalization’s impact on company leadership by applying of already known models and methods of leadership to globalization, in order to gain new knowledge about the object under study.
The practical significance of the research: The significance of the work consists in drawing up the most effective recommendations for how to practically apply company leadership in time of globalization, according to the impact of globalization and the techniques and types of leadership in the company.
Information and empirical research base: The thesis looked at educational and scientific publications from official sources such as the government, institutions, organizations, conferences, such as Asian Economic and Financial Review, World Review of Political Economy. It also has information that was through analyzing reputable articles and statistics in journals and books, such as Journal of Management Policy and Practice, European Journal of Training and Development, International Journal of Management Prudence, The Brown Journal of World Affairs, The Journal of Management Development and many more.