Трансформация событийной индустрии в условиях цифровизации мировой экономики / Transformation of the event industry in the context of digitalization of the global economy

Новикова Александрина Алексеевна


The study examines the transformation of the event industry in the context of the digitalization of the global economy in the format of a case study. A thorough review and analysis of the scientific literature was carried out, which made it possible to deepen and expand the qualitative research base. Having studied the definitions of terms by different authors, a definition of the event industry, a unified scheme and classification of all components were developed. The key trends that are developing the industry have been identified.
In the practical part, a statistical analysis of the countries and regions of Russia was carried out to identify the dynamics of digitalization and the event industry in the global economy. Qualitative analysis at the corporate level, which includes a survey and in-depth interviews of specialists in the industry. This included the use of structured questionnaires carefully designed based on scientific literature to provide practical information, and in-depth interviews with industry stakeholders. This allowed us to obtain a rich set of data for analysis. Various problems related to the industry and its transformation have been identified. And also, the appropriate recommendations are given.
The findings from this multifaceted approach confirm that the events industry continues to demonstrate steady growth, confidently navigating the dynamic flow of trends and factors that have a constant impact on this thriving sector.