Развитие цифрового и устойчивого туризма: международный опыт и российская специфика / Development of digital and sustainable tourism: international experience and Russian specifics

Субботина Мария Сергеевна


The digital economy is becoming a major factor in the development of many industries including tourism industry. According to the World Tourism Barometer, international tourism is showing impressive growth after epidemic within competition for potential customers has increased. Tourists are using the Internet to search for information, make reservations, and plan trips, that is why digitalization has become one of the first driver of tourism industry development. Today, the ability to adapt and implement innovations in business has become a critical trait for success in the market. Also, the idea of sustainable development become one of the fundamental ideas for the further development of the tourism industry.
The purpose of the study is to identify the main trends in the transformation of the global tourism industry, pay attention to the key trends in digital technologies and sustainable approach affect the global tourism industry, as well as to analyze the specifics of the transformation of the tourism industry in Russia. The subject of research is the impact of digital transformation and sustainable approach to tourism on the development of the global tourism industry and the Russian market. The object of research is the global and Russian tourism industry, introducing the latest digital technologies into existing business processes.
The econometric analyzes show that digital technologies have a positive impact on development of the tourism industry and the increase in tourist flow, quantitative analysis revealed that more and more people are turning to digital travel planning solutions, increasing their awareness and interest in travel with convenience, also public interest in a sustainable approach to tourism is rapidly changing, by the promotion of sustainable forms of travel and the ability to track their environmental contribution. One of the practical solutions to increase the attractiveness of Russian tourism, both for the local population and for foreign tourists, was the creation of the startup- online tourism aggregator “TRAVI”.