Особенности развития экосистем в банковском секторе экономики в современных условиях / Features of ecosystem development in the banking sector of the economy in modern conditions

Ширяева Анастасия Дмитриевна


In the first chapter of our study we will focus on the theoretical framework concerning ecosystems in the banking sector of the economy. We will look at the following key aspects: definitions and types of banking ecosystems. The study of the evolution of the ecosystem in the banking sector will allow us to trace the changes and trends that affect the functioning of banks and their interactions within the ecosystem. Also the study of the mechanisms of regulation of the ecosystem in the banking sector is an important aspect of the study, this point implies what are the possible risks and how to prevent them in the banking sector of the economy. In the second chapter of our research we will study the peculiarities of banking ecosystem development on the example of two large banks Russian Sber and Kazakhstan Halyk Bank. We will focus on analysing the structures that contribute to the formation and development of these ecosystems. We will conduct a comparative analysis of indicators. We will also analyse the possible risks associated with their development and consider how the banks conduct sustainability activities. The final stage of our study will be to identify recommendations for the banks' future operations.