Cultural intelligence as a factor influencing the attitudes to employees with disability/Культурный интеллект как фактор, влияющий на отношение к сотрудникам с инвалидностью
Тема: «Cultural intelligence as a factor influencing the attitudes to employees with disability»
Ключевые слова: Cultural intelligence, employees with disability, implicit
attitude, emotional association, perceived inclusion, interpersonal trust, knowledge sharing, effectiveness of cooperation between employees with and without disabilities.
Объектом cultural intelligence of employees with and without disabilities.
Предметом cultural intelligence as the significant factor determining attitudes towards people with disabilities in the workplace.
The scientific report consists of an general description of work, a main content of the research work, a conclusion and the list of published research works.
Totally 99 references are applied in the scientific report. The volume of the scientific report is 26 pages, which contain 10 tables.
The general description of work reveals the relevance of the research
problem, the state-of-art of the problem, puts forward purposes of the study, object and subject of the study, the main and specific hypotheses of the study, lists theoretical basement of the study such as optional distinctiveness theory, learningeffectiveness paradigm, activity theory and disability models, presents credibility and reliability of the study, scientific novelty, theoretical significance and practical implications of the work.
The main content of the research work includes a review of 17 foreign and Russian literature on the topic of professional competencies of people with disability and highlights 10 competences such as high agreeableness and conscientiousness, high career motivation, high interpersonal trust, high selfacceptance, strong leadership, charisma, high tolerance for uncertainty, spatial representations (blind employee) and mental map (blind employee). As well, it describes design, procedures and results of the qualitative method - 2 focus groups among 18 participants, 2-round in-depth interview among 17 participants, which underlines the different behavioral patterns between employees with and without disabilities, and the development of cultural intelligence during the interaction with people with disabilities. Lastly, it infers aspects of the standard scale survey of this study. In specific, it included the description of sample, selected standard scales, descriptive statistics of demographics of participants, cultural intelligence of three groups (employees with physical disabilities, employees without disabilities but
with work experience with people with disabilities, employees without work experience with people with disabilities), and results of correlation analysis.
The conclusion presents that hypotheses have been supported, that is, cultural intelligence significantly influence attitudes towards disability, individual perceived inclusion, trust and knowledge sharing in the cooperation with employees with disabilities.
The list of published research work lists article based on current research and indexed by BAK and Scopus, and conference proceedings in the Russian and international forums.
Ключевые слова: Cultural intelligence, employees with disability, implicit
attitude, emotional association, perceived inclusion, interpersonal trust, knowledge sharing, effectiveness of cooperation between employees with and without disabilities.
Объектом cultural intelligence of employees with and without disabilities.
Предметом cultural intelligence as the significant factor determining attitudes towards people with disabilities in the workplace.
The scientific report consists of an general description of work, a main content of the research work, a conclusion and the list of published research works.
Totally 99 references are applied in the scientific report. The volume of the scientific report is 26 pages, which contain 10 tables.
The general description of work reveals the relevance of the research
problem, the state-of-art of the problem, puts forward purposes of the study, object and subject of the study, the main and specific hypotheses of the study, lists theoretical basement of the study such as optional distinctiveness theory, learningeffectiveness paradigm, activity theory and disability models, presents credibility and reliability of the study, scientific novelty, theoretical significance and practical implications of the work.
The main content of the research work includes a review of 17 foreign and Russian literature on the topic of professional competencies of people with disability and highlights 10 competences such as high agreeableness and conscientiousness, high career motivation, high interpersonal trust, high selfacceptance, strong leadership, charisma, high tolerance for uncertainty, spatial representations (blind employee) and mental map (blind employee). As well, it describes design, procedures and results of the qualitative method - 2 focus groups among 18 participants, 2-round in-depth interview among 17 participants, which underlines the different behavioral patterns between employees with and without disabilities, and the development of cultural intelligence during the interaction with people with disabilities. Lastly, it infers aspects of the standard scale survey of this study. In specific, it included the description of sample, selected standard scales, descriptive statistics of demographics of participants, cultural intelligence of three groups (employees with physical disabilities, employees without disabilities but
with work experience with people with disabilities, employees without work experience with people with disabilities), and results of correlation analysis.
The conclusion presents that hypotheses have been supported, that is, cultural intelligence significantly influence attitudes towards disability, individual perceived inclusion, trust and knowledge sharing in the cooperation with employees with disabilities.
The list of published research work lists article based on current research and indexed by BAK and Scopus, and conference proceedings in the Russian and international forums.