Оптимизация и модернизация NADES экстракции изофлавонов из соевой мелассы
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор по использованию соевой мелассы и методам извлечения изофлавонов. Проведена оптимизация условий методики экстракции изофлавонов из соевой мелассы растворителями NADES с использованием ультразвука. Модернизирована полученная методика посредством ферментативного гидролиза, замены этапа очистки на использование макропористых смол и включения экстракта в пролипосомы. Произведен подбор фермента и условий гидролиза для превращения гликозидных форм изофлавонов в агликоновые, за счет чего увеличили в 15 раз выход агликоновой формы изофлавонов, которая является наиболее биологически активной. Исследовано цитотоксическое влияние пустых липосом и липосом с экстрактом изофлавонов на культивированные клетки Wi-38.
As part of this work, an analytical review has been compiled on the use of soy molasses and methods for extracting isoflavones. The conditions of the isoflavone extraction technique with NADES solvents using ultrasound from soy molasses have been optimized. The obtained technique has been modernized through enzymatic hydrolysis, replacement of the purification stage with the use of macroporous resins and the inclusion of the extract in proliposomes. The enzyme and hydrolysis conditions were selected for the conversion of glycoside forms of isoflavones into aglycone forms, due to which the yield of the aglycone form of isoflavones, which is the most biologically active, was increased by 15 times. The cytotoxic effect of empty liposomes and liposomes with isoflavone extract on cultured Wi-38 cells was studied.
As part of this work, an analytical review has been compiled on the use of soy molasses and methods for extracting isoflavones. The conditions of the isoflavone extraction technique with NADES solvents using ultrasound from soy molasses have been optimized. The obtained technique has been modernized through enzymatic hydrolysis, replacement of the purification stage with the use of macroporous resins and the inclusion of the extract in proliposomes. The enzyme and hydrolysis conditions were selected for the conversion of glycoside forms of isoflavones into aglycone forms, due to which the yield of the aglycone form of isoflavones, which is the most biologically active, was increased by 15 times. The cytotoxic effect of empty liposomes and liposomes with isoflavone extract on cultured Wi-38 cells was studied.