Разработка сбалансированного суточного рациона питания для веганов
В ходе выполнения работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы, описы-вающий веганство как диету и образ жизни; проведено анкетирование веганов и состав-лены их реальные суточные рационы, рассчитана их пищевая ценность, минеральный, витаминный и аминокислотный составы; предложена рецептура и технология про-из3500водсва соуса с дрожжевым экстрактом как источником белка и разработан сбалан-сированный рацион с применением представленного соуса как заправки салатов и гарни-ров.Проведенаорганолептическаяоценкапредлагаемогопродуктаимикробиологическийконтрольбезопасности.
Whithin the framework, an analytical review of the literature was compiled, describing veganism as a modern diet and lifestyle; a survey of vegans and their real daily diets was con-ducted, their nutritional value, mineral, vitamin and amino acid compositions were calculated; a recipeand technology for a sauce with yeast extract as a source of protein was proposed and a balanced diet was developed using the presented sauce as salad dressings and side dishes. An organoleptic evaluation of the proposed product and microbiological safety control were carried out.
Whithin the framework, an analytical review of the literature was compiled, describing veganism as a modern diet and lifestyle; a survey of vegans and their real daily diets was con-ducted, their nutritional value, mineral, vitamin and amino acid compositions were calculated; a recipeand technology for a sauce with yeast extract as a source of protein was proposed and a balanced diet was developed using the presented sauce as salad dressings and side dishes. An organoleptic evaluation of the proposed product and microbiological safety control were carried out.