Разработка рецептуры и технологии булочного изделия для детского питания
В рамках данной работы составлен аналитический обзор литературы, описывающий сырье, используемое в хлебопечении, его химический состав и пищевую ценность. Проведено анкетирование среди детей школьного возраста, а также составлен и рассчитан примерный суточный рацион для разных половозрастных групп. Предложена рецептура и технология производства хлебобулочного изделия с добавлением льняной муки. Проведены исследования предлагаемого продукта по физико-химическим, органолептическим и микробиологическим показателям.
Within the framework of this work, an analytical review of the literature was compiled, describing the raw materials used in baking, its chemical composition and nutritional value. A survey was conducted among school-age children, and an approximate daily ration for different sex and age groups was compiled and calculated. A recipe and technology for the production of a bakery product with the addition of flaxseed flour is proposed. The proposed product has been studied in terms of physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological parameters.
Within the framework of this work, an analytical review of the literature was compiled, describing the raw materials used in baking, its chemical composition and nutritional value. A survey was conducted among school-age children, and an approximate daily ration for different sex and age groups was compiled and calculated. A recipe and technology for the production of a bakery product with the addition of flaxseed flour is proposed. The proposed product has been studied in terms of physicochemical, organoleptic and microbiological parameters.