Исследование методов повышения точности прогнозирования состояния динамических нелинейных систем
Работа повещена разработке методов повышения точности прогнозирования состояний нелинейных динамических систем. В рамках работы был разработан новый метод, реализован программный комплекс прогнозирования временных рядов, с учетом реализованного метода. Проведены исследования точности выполнения прогноза на пример временного ряда «Air Passengers» и координат аттрактора Лоренца в хаотическом режиме.
The work presents a study on the development of methods for improving the accuracy of predicting the states of nonlinear dynamic systems. The author has developed a new method for improving the accuracy of predicting the state of nonlinear dynamic systems. The author has implemented a software package for time series forecasting, taking into account the implemented method. Studies of the accuracy of the forecast were carried out for the example of the time series "Air Passengers" and the coordinates of the Lorentz attractor
The work presents a study on the development of methods for improving the accuracy of predicting the states of nonlinear dynamic systems. The author has developed a new method for improving the accuracy of predicting the state of nonlinear dynamic systems. The author has implemented a software package for time series forecasting, taking into account the implemented method. Studies of the accuracy of the forecast were carried out for the example of the time series "Air Passengers" and the coordinates of the Lorentz attractor