Теплоснабжение микрорайона в г. Архангельске
В ходе проведения выпускной квалификационной работы была спроектирована система теплоснабжения микрорайона в г. Архангельск. Для всех 14-ти кварталов были рассчитаны тепловые нагрузки. Произведено построение графиков теплопотребления по месяцам, отопительного графика температур, годового графика теплопотребления по продолжительности . Был построен предворительный график напоров на основании которого проводился гидравлический расчёт для подбора оптимальных диаметров трубопровода. Затем построен окончательный график напоров и произведена увязка потерь напора на ответвлениях. По результатам гидравлического расчёта произведен расчёт каналов тепловой сети, тепловых камер и элементов тепловой сети. Так же в проекте разработана принципиальная схема абонентского ввода.
In the course of the final qualifying work, a district heating system was designed for the city of Arkhangelsk. For all 14 quarters heat loads were calculated. The construction of heat consumption graphs by months, heating temperature graph, annual heat consumption graph for duration were made. A preliminary pressure schedule was constructed on the basis of which the hydraulic calculation was carried out to select the optimal pipeline diameters. Then a final schedule of pressure was plotted and pressure losses at the branches were linked. According to the results of the hydraulic calculation, the calculation of the channels of the heat network, heat chambers and elements of the heat network was made. Also in the project developed a schematic diagram of subscriber input.
In the course of the final qualifying work, a district heating system was designed for the city of Arkhangelsk. For all 14 quarters heat loads were calculated. The construction of heat consumption graphs by months, heating temperature graph, annual heat consumption graph for duration were made. A preliminary pressure schedule was constructed on the basis of which the hydraulic calculation was carried out to select the optimal pipeline diameters. Then a final schedule of pressure was plotted and pressure losses at the branches were linked. According to the results of the hydraulic calculation, the calculation of the channels of the heat network, heat chambers and elements of the heat network was made. Also in the project developed a schematic diagram of subscriber input.