Исследование отвержения эпоксидных композитов методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии
Работа посвящена исследованию отверждения эпоксидных композитов методом дифференциальной сканирующей калориметрии. Для отверждение были выбраны эпоксидные смол торговых марок: КДА-2, ДЭГ-1, ПЭФ-3а, ЭД-20, в качестве отвердителя был использован метафенилендиамин. Было исследовано влияние эпоксидного числа на энтальпию сшивания эпоксидных смол, была получена корреляционная зависимость энтальпии отверждения от эпоксидного числа и выведена формула для расчета содержания эпоксидных групп смол на основании ДСК измерений. Были исследованы наполненные композиты на основе смолы ЭД-20 и наполнителей – наночастиц Fe, FeOx, Al, Al2O3. У наполненных композитов были изучены: тепловой эффект реакции отверждения, температуры начала, конца и пика реакции отверждения, температура стеклования и изменение теплоемкости.
The thesis is devoted to the study of the curing of epoxy composites by differential scanning calorimetry. For curing, epoxy resins of the following trademarks were chosen: KDA-2, DEG-1, PEF-3a, ED-20, metaphenylenediamine was used as a hardener. The influence of the epoxy number of an epoxy resin in the enthalpy of its curing was studied; the correlation between the epoxy number and the enthalpy of curing was obtained, and the equation was derived to calculate the epoxy number based on the enthalpy of curing. Filled epoxy composites based on epoxy resin ED-20 and Fe, FeOx, Al, Al2O3 nanoparticles were studied. The following characteristics were obtained for filled composites: the thermal effect of the curing reaction, the temperature of the beginning, end and peak of the curing reaction, and the glass transition temperature, and the change in the heat capacity.
The thesis is devoted to the study of the curing of epoxy composites by differential scanning calorimetry. For curing, epoxy resins of the following trademarks were chosen: KDA-2, DEG-1, PEF-3a, ED-20, metaphenylenediamine was used as a hardener. The influence of the epoxy number of an epoxy resin in the enthalpy of its curing was studied; the correlation between the epoxy number and the enthalpy of curing was obtained, and the equation was derived to calculate the epoxy number based on the enthalpy of curing. Filled epoxy composites based on epoxy resin ED-20 and Fe, FeOx, Al, Al2O3 nanoparticles were studied. The following characteristics were obtained for filled composites: the thermal effect of the curing reaction, the temperature of the beginning, end and peak of the curing reaction, and the glass transition temperature, and the change in the heat capacity.