ОАЭ во внешней политике Республики Корея в ХХI в.
В работе рассматриваются основные направления сотрудничества РК с ОАЭ в ХХI в.. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что сотрудничество между этими двумя государствами является взаимовыгодным, хотя и находится под сильным влиянием внешнеполитических факторов, среди которых соперничество ведущих ближневосточных стран за региональное лидерство и высокая конфликтность на Ближнем Востоке. Однако по мнению автора, экономические преимущества совместного сотрудничества перевесят возможные риски и противоречия. Исследование выполнено в рамках междисциплинарного подхода.
Ключевые слова: Республика Корея, ОАЭ, международное сотрудничество, Ближний Восток, инвестиции, энергетика.
Rubtsov Vladislav Vitalyevich
UAE in the foreign policy of the Republic of Korea in the XXI century.
Valiakhmetova Gulnara Nilovna
The paper discusses the main areas of cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the United Arab Emirates in the twenty-first century. The author concludes that cooperation between these two countries is mutually beneficial, although it is strongly influenced by foreign policy factors, including the rivalry of leading Middle Eastern countries for regional leadership and conflicts in the Middle East. However, according to the author, the economic benefits of joint cooperation will outweigh the possible risks and contradictions. The study was carried out in an interdisciplinary approach.
Keywords: Republic of Korea, UAE, international cooperation, Middle East, investment, energy.
Ключевые слова: Республика Корея, ОАЭ, международное сотрудничество, Ближний Восток, инвестиции, энергетика.
Rubtsov Vladislav Vitalyevich
UAE in the foreign policy of the Republic of Korea in the XXI century.
Valiakhmetova Gulnara Nilovna
The paper discusses the main areas of cooperation between the Republic of Korea and the United Arab Emirates in the twenty-first century. The author concludes that cooperation between these two countries is mutually beneficial, although it is strongly influenced by foreign policy factors, including the rivalry of leading Middle Eastern countries for regional leadership and conflicts in the Middle East. However, according to the author, the economic benefits of joint cooperation will outweigh the possible risks and contradictions. The study was carried out in an interdisciplinary approach.
Keywords: Republic of Korea, UAE, international cooperation, Middle East, investment, energy.