Влияние конфуцианства на современное южнокорейское общество: гендерный аспект
В работе рассматривается оказанное конфуцианством влияние на положение мужчин и женщин в современном обществе Южной Кореи. Автор приходит к выводу о том, что конфуцианство сыграло важную роль в гендерном неравенстве, сложившемся в Корее в древности, и как следствие, оставшегося по сей день. По мнению автора, конфуцианские устои в современной Республике Корея ослабли, ввиду чего гендерное неравенство в стране стало не столь выраженным.
Ключевые слова: конфуцианство, Республика Корея, Корейский полуостров, гендерное неравенство.
Meyler Alena Valerievna
Influence of Confucianism on Modern South Korean Society: Gender Aspect
Khrenov Valentin Valerievich
The paper examines the influence of Confucianism on the position of men and women in modern South Korean society. The author comes to the conclusion that Confucianism played an important role in the gender inequality that developed in Korea in antiquity, and, as a result, remained to this day. According to the author, Confucian foundations in the modern Republic of Korea have weakened, as a result of which the gender inequality in the country has become less pronounced.
Key words: Confucianism, Republic of Korea, Korean Peninsula, gender inequality.
Ключевые слова: конфуцианство, Республика Корея, Корейский полуостров, гендерное неравенство.
Meyler Alena Valerievna
Influence of Confucianism on Modern South Korean Society: Gender Aspect
Khrenov Valentin Valerievich
The paper examines the influence of Confucianism on the position of men and women in modern South Korean society. The author comes to the conclusion that Confucianism played an important role in the gender inequality that developed in Korea in antiquity, and, as a result, remained to this day. According to the author, Confucian foundations in the modern Republic of Korea have weakened, as a result of which the gender inequality in the country has become less pronounced.
Key words: Confucianism, Republic of Korea, Korean Peninsula, gender inequality.