Образная система Эриха Марии Ремарка: поэтика пересечений

Додина Ольга Леонидовна


В представленной работе («Образная система Эриха Марии Ремарка: поэтика пересечений») отражен результат наблюдений ее автора над поэтикой художественных (романы, стихотворения, рассказы) и нехудожественных (дневники, письма) произведений Э.М. Ремарка. Выявлено, что в обеих сферах своей деятельности автор с большой степенью частотности обращается к образам гостиницы, наставника, природы, искусства, пересекающимся на разных уровнях творчества с разной интенсивностью.

The topic for the study "The figurative system of Erich Maria Remarque: the poetics of intersections" is still out of the research attention. We have worked on the poetics of intersections in fiction and non-fiction.

Remarque is one of those masters of the artistic word who spend their entire lives asking questions that they are looking for the answer to throughout their lives. They "voice" these questions in different areas of their writer's consciousness: in artistic and non-artistic creativity.

After analyzing non-fiction prose, poems and short stories, all the novels of E. M. Remarque, we have identified the following images that intersect at different levels of creativity with different intensity: image of the hotel, image of the mentor, images of nature, images of art.

By "reciting" the tragic events of the past, the writer directs his aesthetic mode to the display of specific images. These so-called images are an indirect indication of the recognition of the existential code of the twentieth-century man. The world of the main characters of Remarque is comprehended only through the aesthetic paradigms of eternal values: home, family, mentors, art, and the beauty of nature.