Логистическая компания FESCO как актор международных отношений
В выпускной квалификационной работе на примере конкретной транспортной компании – FESCO, рассматривается логистика как один из новых полноценных акторов международных отношений. Дана характеристика логистики через призму теории неолиберализма. Определены особенности российских транспортных компаний. Изучена роль компании FESCO на международной арене и дан разбор ее перспективных направлений развития.
Ключевые слова: логистика, неолиберализм, транспортная компания, международное сотрудничество, ТНК, экспедитор, транспортные маршруты.
In the bachelor's degree thesis on the example of a specific transport company - FESCO, logistics is considered as one of the new full-fledged actors in international relations. The characteristic of logistics is given through the prism of the theory of neoliberalism. The features of Russian transport companies are determined. The role of FESCO in the international arena was studied and an analysis of its promising areas of development was given.
Key words: logistics, neoliberalism, transport company, international cooperation, TNC, freight forwarder, transport routes.
Ключевые слова: логистика, неолиберализм, транспортная компания, международное сотрудничество, ТНК, экспедитор, транспортные маршруты.
In the bachelor's degree thesis on the example of a specific transport company - FESCO, logistics is considered as one of the new full-fledged actors in international relations. The characteristic of logistics is given through the prism of the theory of neoliberalism. The features of Russian transport companies are determined. The role of FESCO in the international arena was studied and an analysis of its promising areas of development was given.
Key words: logistics, neoliberalism, transport company, international cooperation, TNC, freight forwarder, transport routes.