Роль международных организаций в урегулировании Нагорно-Карабахского конфликта
Аннотация: Международные организации играют важную роль в урегулировании конфликтов, в том числе и в Нагорно-Карабахском. Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена исследованию роли международных организаций в процессе урегулирования Нагорно-Карабахского конфликта. В работе проведён анализ деятельности ООН, ОБСЕ, ЕС и других международных организаций, занимающихся урегулированием конфликта. Анализируются их меры по разрешению конфликта, в том числе использование дипломатических и миротворческих миссий, мониторинг ситуации на местах, а также посредничество в переговорах между сторонами.
Abstract: International organizations play an important role in conflict resolution, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This graduate qualification work is devoted to the study of the role of international organizations in the process of settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The work analyses the activities of the UN, OSCE, EU and other international organizations engaged in conflict resolution. Their measures to resolve the conflict, including the use of diplomatic and peacekeeping missions, monitoring of the situation on the ground, as well as mediation in negotiations between the parties are analyzed.
Abstract: International organizations play an important role in conflict resolution, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. This graduate qualification work is devoted to the study of the role of international organizations in the process of settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. The work analyses the activities of the UN, OSCE, EU and other international organizations engaged in conflict resolution. Their measures to resolve the conflict, including the use of diplomatic and peacekeeping missions, monitoring of the situation on the ground, as well as mediation in negotiations between the parties are analyzed.