Эволюция афганской государственности в кон. XX – нач. XXI в.
Аннотация: на протяжении 20 лет шла очередная война в Афганистане, с 2021 года талибы вновь пришли к власти, силовой инструмент в очередной раз показал свою несостоятельность в афганском вопросе. Целью выпускной квалификационной работы является изучение эволюции афганской государственности кон. ХХ нач. ХХI в. Работа опирается на анализ открытых источников: документов, отчётов международных организаций, публикаций в СМИ. Ключевыми методами исследования стали: анализ, синтез, метод исторической ретроспективы, дедукция. В результате работы была изучена эволюция афганской государственности кон. ХХ в. нач. ХХI в., были выявлены основные направления работы для интеграции Афганистана в международное сообщества и перспективные точки соприкосновения для построения конструктивного диалога.
Abstract: for 20 years there has been another war in Afghanistan, since 2021 the Taliban have taken over again, the military tool has once again shown its inconsistency in the Afghan issue. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to study the evolution of the Afghan statehood in the end of XX century and the beginning of XXI century. The work is based on the analysis of open sources: documents, reports of international organizations, publications in the media. The key research methods were analysis, synthesis, historical retrospective method, deduction. As a result of the work, the evolution of the Afghan statehood in the end of XX century and the beginning of XXI century, the main areas of work for the integration of Afghanistan into the international community and promising points of contact for building a constructive dialogue were identified.
Abstract: for 20 years there has been another war in Afghanistan, since 2021 the Taliban have taken over again, the military tool has once again shown its inconsistency in the Afghan issue. The purpose of the final qualifying work is to study the evolution of the Afghan statehood in the end of XX century and the beginning of XXI century. The work is based on the analysis of open sources: documents, reports of international organizations, publications in the media. The key research methods were analysis, synthesis, historical retrospective method, deduction. As a result of the work, the evolution of the Afghan statehood in the end of XX century and the beginning of XXI century, the main areas of work for the integration of Afghanistan into the international community and promising points of contact for building a constructive dialogue were identified.