Энергетическая политика ФРГ
Работа посвящена анализу энергетической политики ФРГ с фокусом на российское направление. Также изучены особенности взаимодействия Германии и России в энергетической сфере в общеевропейском контексте. В связи с событиями на Украине 2013-2014 гг. осуществлять сотрудничество стало сложнее ввиду введения секторальных санкций, которые не обошли стороной и энергетический сектор, а также обострения политических разногласий между государствами-членами Европейского союза и Россией. Поэтому особое внимание уделено проекту «Северного потока - 2» и возникшим трудностям с его реализацией. Автором делается вывод о том, что пока энергетическое сотрудничество Германии и России выгодно обеим сторонам, оно будет продолжаться, невзирая на политическую конъюнктуру.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the energy policy of the Federal Republic of Germany with a focus on the Russian direction. The author also studied the specifics of cooperation between Germany and Russia in the energy sector in the pan-European context. In connection with the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014, cooperation has become more difficult due to the introduction of sectoral sanctions, which have not spared the energy sector, as well as the aggravation of political differences between the member states of the European Union and Russia. Therefore, special attention is paid to the ‘Nord Stream 2’ project and the difficulties encountered with its implementation. The author concludes that as long as the energy cooperation between Germany and Russia is beneficial to both sides, it will continue, regardless of the political situation.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the energy policy of the Federal Republic of Germany with a focus on the Russian direction. The author also studied the specifics of cooperation between Germany and Russia in the energy sector in the pan-European context. In connection with the events in Ukraine in 2013-2014, cooperation has become more difficult due to the introduction of sectoral sanctions, which have not spared the energy sector, as well as the aggravation of political differences between the member states of the European Union and Russia. Therefore, special attention is paid to the ‘Nord Stream 2’ project and the difficulties encountered with its implementation. The author concludes that as long as the energy cooperation between Germany and Russia is beneficial to both sides, it will continue, regardless of the political situation.