Особенности реализации итальянской публичной дипломатии на современном этапе
Данная работа посвящена анализу особенностей реализации итальянской публичной дипломатии на современном этапе. На основании более 70 источников и литературы по данной теме были выделены основные виды публичной дипломатии и инструменты для их реализации. В число основных инструментов реализации публичной дипломатии были отнесены культура, язык и образование. Были проанализированы основные проекты и мероприятия, направленные на осуществление итальянской публичной дипломатии в период пандемии на примере деятельности Инстиута культуры Италии, общества Данте Алигьери и компании «Barilla». В ходе работы были выделены основные сложности эффективной реализации: закрытые границы и сложная мобилизация традиционных для Италии инструментов публичной дипломатии. На основе проведённого исследования делаются выводы о том, что Италия успешно реализовывает публичную дипломатию и способствует созданию позитивного образа за рубежом.
Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия, культура, Италия, «мягкая сила».
This work is dedicated to the analysis of the features of the implementation of Italian public diplomacy at the present stage. Based on more than 70 sources and literature on this topic, the main types of public diplomacy and the tools for their implementation were identified. Culture, language, and education – the main tools for implementing public diplomacy. The main projects and activities during the pandemic were analyzed on the example of the Institute of Italian Culture, the Dante Alighieri Society and the Barilla Company». In the course of the work, the main difficulties of the effective implementation during the lockdown were highlighted: closed borders and the difficult mobilization of the traditional tools of public diplomacy for Italy. Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that Italy successfully implements public diplomacy and contributes to the creation of positive image abroad.
Keywords: public diplomacy, culture, Italy, «soft power».
Ключевые слова: публичная дипломатия, культура, Италия, «мягкая сила».
This work is dedicated to the analysis of the features of the implementation of Italian public diplomacy at the present stage. Based on more than 70 sources and literature on this topic, the main types of public diplomacy and the tools for their implementation were identified. Culture, language, and education – the main tools for implementing public diplomacy. The main projects and activities during the pandemic were analyzed on the example of the Institute of Italian Culture, the Dante Alighieri Society and the Barilla Company». In the course of the work, the main difficulties of the effective implementation during the lockdown were highlighted: closed borders and the difficult mobilization of the traditional tools of public diplomacy for Italy. Based on the conducted research, it is concluded that Italy successfully implements public diplomacy and contributes to the creation of positive image abroad.
Keywords: public diplomacy, culture, Italy, «soft power».