Россия в МОТ в XXI в.
Работа посвящена анализу сотрудничества России и Международной организации труда в социально-трудовой сфере. На основании большого числа источников и литературы по данной теме рассматриваются основные направления и способы реализации сотрудничества, а также влияние международного право на законодательство Российской Федерации. В число основных способов реализации сотрудничества были отнесены конвенции и рекомендации МОТ, а также программы сотрудничества, подписываемые МОТ и РФ. Были проанализированы основные проекты и мероприятия, которые осуществляет МОТ и Россия для укрепления своего международного сотрудничества.
Ключевые слова: Международная организация труда (МОТ), трипартизм, конвенции и рекомендации МОТ, Программа достойного труда, Международная конференция труда (МКТ), Россия.
The work is devoted to the analysis of partnership between Russia and the International Labor Organization in the social and labor areas. Based on a large number of sources and literature on this topic, we consider the main directions and ways of implementing cooperation, as well as the impact of International Law on the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main ways of implementing cooperation were the ILO conventions and recommendations, as well as cooperation programs signed by the ILO and the Russian Federation. The main projects and activities implemented by the ILO and Russia to strengthen their international cooperation were analyzed.
Keywords: International Labour Organization (ILO), tripartism, ILO conventions and recommendations, the programme of cooperation, International Labour Conference (ILC), Russia.
Ключевые слова: Международная организация труда (МОТ), трипартизм, конвенции и рекомендации МОТ, Программа достойного труда, Международная конференция труда (МКТ), Россия.
The work is devoted to the analysis of partnership between Russia and the International Labor Organization in the social and labor areas. Based on a large number of sources and literature on this topic, we consider the main directions and ways of implementing cooperation, as well as the impact of International Law on the legislation of the Russian Federation. The main ways of implementing cooperation were the ILO conventions and recommendations, as well as cooperation programs signed by the ILO and the Russian Federation. The main projects and activities implemented by the ILO and Russia to strengthen their international cooperation were analyzed.
Keywords: International Labour Organization (ILO), tripartism, ILO conventions and recommendations, the programme of cooperation, International Labour Conference (ILC), Russia.