«Лига Севера» в современной политической системе Италии
В дипломной работе рассматривается деятельность партии «Лига Севера» в рамках современной политической системы Италии.Особое внимание уделяется изучению изменений в программе партии, произошедших с начала ее основания. В ходе работы рассмотрена партийная система Италии, влияние на ее внутреннюю политику популизма, основные этапы развития «Лиги Севера».Выделяются основные направления и цели ее программы, анализируется деятельность партии, оценивается ее значимость. Отдельно рассматривается лидер партии М. Сальвини, т.к. во время его председательства роль партии возросла и она получила широкое признание. На основе проведенного исследования делаются выводы о том, что «Лига Севера» успешно выступает на политической арене, получает поддержку от большого количества людей и является самой популярной партией в Италии на 2020 г.
Ключевые слова: Италия, «Лига Севера», популизм, евроскептицизм,
The focus of the research is the activities of the League of the North party within the framework of the modern political system of Italy. Particular attention is paid to the study of changes in the party program that have occurred since its inception. In the course of the work, the party system of Italy, the influence on its domestic politics of populism, the main stages of development of the "League of the North" are considered. The main directions and goals of its program are highlighted, the party’s activity is analyzed, its significance is evaluated. The party leader M. Salvini is considered separately, since during his chairmanship the role of the party increased and it It has been widely recognized. Based on the study, conclusions are drawn that the “League of the North" successfully acts in the political arena, receives support from a large number of people and is the most popular party in Italy for 2020.
Key words: Italy, League of the Nord, populism, Euroscepticism
Ключевые слова: Италия, «Лига Севера», популизм, евроскептицизм,
The focus of the research is the activities of the League of the North party within the framework of the modern political system of Italy. Particular attention is paid to the study of changes in the party program that have occurred since its inception. In the course of the work, the party system of Italy, the influence on its domestic politics of populism, the main stages of development of the "League of the North" are considered. The main directions and goals of its program are highlighted, the party’s activity is analyzed, its significance is evaluated. The party leader M. Salvini is considered separately, since during his chairmanship the role of the party increased and it It has been widely recognized. Based on the study, conclusions are drawn that the “League of the North" successfully acts in the political arena, receives support from a large number of people and is the most popular party in Italy for 2020.
Key words: Italy, League of the Nord, populism, Euroscepticism