Российско-испанские отношения 2008–2019 гг.
В работе проведено исследование взаимного влияния политических и экономических отношений России и Испании в период 2008-2019 гг. Изучены основные направления сотрудничества, проблематика и факторы двустороннего взаимодействия. Показано, что политический диалог проводился по основным актуальным международным проблемам и вызовам международной безопасности на основе схожих позиций стран по большинству мировых проблем. Установлено, что двусторонние экономические связи активно развиваются в инвестиционной, энергической и туристической сферах. На их динамику оказывают влияние мировые экономические кризисы и политика санкций. В заключении сделаны выводы о том, что Российско-испанские политические и экономические связи носят объективный характер и отвечают национальным интересам обеих стран.
Ключевые слова: Российско-испанские отношения, теория неолиберализма, анализ политических отношений, анализ экономических отношений.
This bachelor’s thesis is devoted to the study of relationships between Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Spain during the period 2008-2019. The main directions of cooperation, problems and factors of bilateral interaction are studied. It is shown that the political dialogue was conducted on the main current international problems and challenges to international security based on similar positions of countries on most of the world's problems. It is established that economic relations are actively developing in the investment, energy and tourism spheres. Their dynamics are influenced by global economic crises and the policy of sanctions. It is concluded that Russian-Spanish political and economic ties are objective and meet the national interests of both countries.
Keywords: Russian-Spanish relations, theory of neoliberalism, analysis of political relations, analysis of economic relations.
Ключевые слова: Российско-испанские отношения, теория неолиберализма, анализ политических отношений, анализ экономических отношений.
This bachelor’s thesis is devoted to the study of relationships between Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Spain during the period 2008-2019. The main directions of cooperation, problems and factors of bilateral interaction are studied. It is shown that the political dialogue was conducted on the main current international problems and challenges to international security based on similar positions of countries on most of the world's problems. It is established that economic relations are actively developing in the investment, energy and tourism spheres. Their dynamics are influenced by global economic crises and the policy of sanctions. It is concluded that Russian-Spanish political and economic ties are objective and meet the national interests of both countries.
Keywords: Russian-Spanish relations, theory of neoliberalism, analysis of political relations, analysis of economic relations.