Роль феминизма в формировании повестки дня международной безопасности
Работа посвящена анализу роли феминизма в формировании повестки дня международной безопасности. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы было проведено исследование влияния феминизма на области международной безопасности. В ходе работы рассмотрена эволюция феминистской теории, как отдельного направления международных отношений, так и как составной части международной безопасности. В качестве примера анализировалась деятельность Международного женского союза за мир и свободу. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что феминистская теория выявила новые знания и вопросы, которые в свою очередь способствовали изменению повестки дня такой организации как ООН. Женский вопрос стал частью глобальных проблем, которые нуждаются в совместном решении всех стран. Также, в ходе исследования теорий феминизма, был подведен итог, что многосторонность феминизма позволяет теории развиваться во всех сферах международных отношений одновременно.
Ключевые слова:феминизм, международная безопасность, Международный женский союз за мир и свободу.
The paper analyzes the role of feminism in shaping the international security agenda. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study was conducted on the impact of feminism on international security. The paper considers the evolution of feminist theory as a separate direction of international relations, and as an integral part of international security. As an example, the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom were analyzed. The study concluded that feminist theory revealed new knowledge and issues that in turn contributed to changing the agenda of an organization like the UN. Women's issues have become part of global issues that need to be addressed jointly by all countries. Also, in the course of research on feminist theories, it was concluded that the versatility of feminism allows the theory to develop in all areas of international relations at the same time.
Key words: feminism, international security, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.
Ключевые слова:феминизм, международная безопасность, Международный женский союз за мир и свободу.
The paper analyzes the role of feminism in shaping the international security agenda. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, a study was conducted on the impact of feminism on international security. The paper considers the evolution of feminist theory as a separate direction of international relations, and as an integral part of international security. As an example, the activities of the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom were analyzed. The study concluded that feminist theory revealed new knowledge and issues that in turn contributed to changing the agenda of an organization like the UN. Women's issues have become part of global issues that need to be addressed jointly by all countries. Also, in the course of research on feminist theories, it was concluded that the versatility of feminism allows the theory to develop in all areas of international relations at the same time.
Key words: feminism, international security, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom.