Современная политика ЕС по интеграции иммигрантов: достижения и проблемы (на примере Итальянской Республики)
Выпускная квалификационная работа посвящена актуальным проблемам интеграции мигрантов в ЕС на примере Италии. Рассмотрены теоретические подходы к моделям интеграции мигрантов, рассмотрены подходы к проблеме мультикульутрализма в Европе. Проведен анализ миграционного законодательства ЕС и республики Италия. Представлены актуальные данные по социо-культурной, трудовой, гражданской интеграции мигрантов. Уделено внимание проблеме интеграции беженцев. Выявлены тенденции современной политики ЕС и Италии в отношении данной проблемы.
Graduation work is dedicated to current issues of integration of immigrants in the EU through the example of Italy. Theoretical approaches to the integration models have been studied; the analysis of the migration legislation of the EU and Italy has been conducted. The results of cultural, social, economic integration of immigrants in Italy have been presented. The author was also focused on the specifics of the integration of refugees. Current trends of the actual EU policies regarding present problem have been presented.
Graduation work is dedicated to current issues of integration of immigrants in the EU through the example of Italy. Theoretical approaches to the integration models have been studied; the analysis of the migration legislation of the EU and Italy has been conducted. The results of cultural, social, economic integration of immigrants in Italy have been presented. The author was also focused on the specifics of the integration of refugees. Current trends of the actual EU policies regarding present problem have been presented.