Транстихоокеанское партнерство и стратегические интересы США в АТР
Работа посвящена анализу Транстихоокеанского партнерства как инструмента реализации стратегических интересов США в Азиатско-Тихоокеанском регионе. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы было проведено исследование внешнеполитической стратегии Соединенных Штатов в период 2003–2017 гг. В ходе работы были проанализированы отношения между основными акторами АТР (США и Китаем) и реакция КНР на инициативу создания ТТП. Приоритетными направлениями новой внешнеполитической стратегии Америки стали либерализация торговли в АТР, установление баланса сил в регионе, усиление безопасности. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, администрация экс-президента США Б. Обамы стремилась к региональной интеграции в АТР, в основу которой легло соглашение ТТП, но ситуация изменилась с приходом к власти в Соединенных Штатах Д. Трампа.
Ключевые слова: Транстихоокеанское партнерство, Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион, США
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and strategic interests of the USA
in the Asia-Pacific region
The paper deals with the analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership as an implementation tool of the USA strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The research is based on a wide set of sources and literature and concerned with the period of 2003–2017 years. In the course of the paper, the relations between the main actors of the Asia-Pacific region (the USA and China) and China's reaction to the initiative to create the TPP have been analyzed. Liberalization of trade, balance of forces in the Asia-Pacific region, strengthening of security have become the priority guidelines of America's new foreign policy strategy. The following conclusions are drawn that the ex-president of the USA B. Obama's administration aimed for regional integration in this region, was based on an agreement of TPP. But the situation changed when D. Trump became the President of the United States.
Keywords: Trans-Pacific Partnership, Asia-Pacific region, the USA
Ключевые слова: Транстихоокеанское партнерство, Азиатско-Тихоокеанский регион, США
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and strategic interests of the USA
in the Asia-Pacific region
The paper deals with the analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership as an implementation tool of the USA strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region. The research is based on a wide set of sources and literature and concerned with the period of 2003–2017 years. In the course of the paper, the relations between the main actors of the Asia-Pacific region (the USA and China) and China's reaction to the initiative to create the TPP have been analyzed. Liberalization of trade, balance of forces in the Asia-Pacific region, strengthening of security have become the priority guidelines of America's new foreign policy strategy. The following conclusions are drawn that the ex-president of the USA B. Obama's administration aimed for regional integration in this region, was based on an agreement of TPP. But the situation changed when D. Trump became the President of the United States.
Keywords: Trans-Pacific Partnership, Asia-Pacific region, the USA