Торговые и инвестиционные связи России и Германии в 2008–2016 гг.
Исследование посвящено проблеме торговых и инвестиционных связей России и Германии в 2008–2016 гг. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы был проведен анализ российско-германского товарооборота и инвестиций, показана их динамика, специфика и структура. Выявлено, что торговые отношения России и Германии развивались более интенсивно, чем инвестиционные. Сделан вывод о том, что в последние годы среди главных торговых партнеров России – Германия переместилась с 1-го на 3-е место, при этом объемы сохранились, а в структуре экспорта в 2 раза сократилась доля углеводородов и возросла – промышленной продукции. Наибольшую привлекательность для германских инвестиций представляет российский третичный сектор, горнодобывающая отрасль, легкая промышленность, энергетика, машиностроение, а также банковская сфера.
Ключевые слова: РФ, ФРГ, экономические связи, торговля, инвестиции.
Matus Helena
Trade and investment relations between Russia and Germany in 2008–2016
The research is devoted to the problem of trade and investment relations between Russia and Germany in 2008–2016. Analyse of Russian-German trade turnover and investments was performed on the base of a wide set of sources and literature. Dynamics, specificity and structure of trade and investment relations of Russia and Germany were revealed. It was defined that trade relations developed more intensively than investment relations. It was made a conclusion that Germany moved from 1st to 3rd place for last years, and the volume of trade maintained. A percentage of hydrocarbons declined by a factor 2 in the volume of trade, and a percentage of industrial products increased. The most investment attractiveness for Germany present tertiary sector of industry, mining industry, light industry, energetics, mechanical engineering and banking sector.
Keywords: Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Germany, foreign economic relations, trade, investments.
Ключевые слова: РФ, ФРГ, экономические связи, торговля, инвестиции.
Matus Helena
Trade and investment relations between Russia and Germany in 2008–2016
The research is devoted to the problem of trade and investment relations between Russia and Germany in 2008–2016. Analyse of Russian-German trade turnover and investments was performed on the base of a wide set of sources and literature. Dynamics, specificity and structure of trade and investment relations of Russia and Germany were revealed. It was defined that trade relations developed more intensively than investment relations. It was made a conclusion that Germany moved from 1st to 3rd place for last years, and the volume of trade maintained. A percentage of hydrocarbons declined by a factor 2 in the volume of trade, and a percentage of industrial products increased. The most investment attractiveness for Germany present tertiary sector of industry, mining industry, light industry, energetics, mechanical engineering and banking sector.
Keywords: Russian Federation, Federal Republic of Germany, foreign economic relations, trade, investments.