Будущее европейской интеграции в контексте «Brexit»
Данная работа посвящена будущим перспективам европейского интеграционного проекта в контексте британского референдума о выходе из Европейского Союза. На основании широкого круга источников и литературы был проведен анализ взаимодействия Великобритании с ЕС. В ходе работы были исследованы основные механизмы формирования европейской политики Великобритании. Выявлены непосредственные последствия «Брексита» для ЕС и Великобритании, исследована реакция мирового сообщества. Сделаны выводы о развитии евроскептецизма как явления после «Брексита». Проанализированы возможные сценарии развития европейских интеграционных процессов, их политический аспект. В результате исследования был сделан вывод о том, что «Брексит» стал поворотным событием для ЕС, обозначив необходимость реформ.
This paper is devoted to the future prospects of the European integration project in the context of the British referendum on the withdrawal from the European Union. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, an analysis of the interactions between Great Britain and the EU was made. In the course of the work, the main mechanisms for the formation of the European policy of Great Britain were explored. The immediate consequences of Brexit for the EU and Great Britain were revealed, and the reaction of the world community was investigated. Conclusions were drawn about the development of Euroskepticism as a phenomenon after Brexit. Possible scenarios for the development of European integration processes and their political aspect were analyzed. The study concluded that Brexit was a turning point for the EU, indicating the need for reform.
This paper is devoted to the future prospects of the European integration project in the context of the British referendum on the withdrawal from the European Union. Based on a wide range of sources and literature, an analysis of the interactions between Great Britain and the EU was made. In the course of the work, the main mechanisms for the formation of the European policy of Great Britain were explored. The immediate consequences of Brexit for the EU and Great Britain were revealed, and the reaction of the world community was investigated. Conclusions were drawn about the development of Euroskepticism as a phenomenon after Brexit. Possible scenarios for the development of European integration processes and their political aspect were analyzed. The study concluded that Brexit was a turning point for the EU, indicating the need for reform.