«Мусульманский вопрос» в программах политических партий Испании в XXI в.
Аннотация. Работа посвящена рассмотрению «мусульманского вопроса» в программах политических партий Испании XXI в. Присутствие ислама на территории Испании – это исторически обусловленное явление, вызывающее отторжение у местного населения. С обострением миграционного кризиса в XXI в. количество последователей ислама в Испании постоянно растет, а последствия, вытекающие из этого вопроса, влияют на все сферы общества и государства в целом. В работе рассматривается исторический контекст существования и развития ислама на территории Испании. Автор анализирует правовую базу Испании, посвященную декларированию религиозной свободы и регулированию конфликтов на религиозной почве. Особое внимание уделено изучению взаимодействия испанских политических партий и представителей мусульманской общины государства, а также анализу официальных позиций партий по отношению к исламу. Поскольку современные мусульмане Испании – не только иммигранты, но и граждане государства во втором и третьем поколении, в работе освещается проблема культурной идентичности. Также описываются рычаги влияния на формирование общественного мнения о мусульманах в Испании на примере анализа репрезентации мусульман в различных испанских СМИ.
Ключевые слова: мультикультурализм, интеркультурализм, иммиграция, культурная гибридизация, исламофобия, расизм, ксенофобия, религиозная политика, идентичность, Испания.
Annotation. The work is devoted to the consideration of the "Muslim issue" in the programs of political parties in Spain in the XXI century. The presence of Islam in Spain is a historically conditioned phenomenon that causes rejection among the local population. With the escalation of the migration crisis in the 21st century, the number of followers of Islam in Spain is constantly growing, and the consequences arising from this issue affect all spheres of society and the state as a whole. The touches upon the historical context of the existence and development of Islam in Spain. The author analyzes the Spanish legal framework dedicated to the declaration of religious freedom and the regulation of conflicts on religious grounds. Special attention is paid to the study of the interaction of Spanish political parties and representatives of the Muslim community of the state, as well as the analysis of the official positions of the parties in relation to Islam. Since modern Muslims in Spain are not only immigrants, but also second– and third-generation citizens of the state, the work highlights the problem of cultural identity. It also describes the methods of influence on the formation of public opinion about Muslims in Spain by analyzing the representation of Muslims in various Spanish media.
Keywords: multiculturalism, interculturalism, immigration, cultural hybridization, Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia, religious politics, identity, Spain.
Ключевые слова: мультикультурализм, интеркультурализм, иммиграция, культурная гибридизация, исламофобия, расизм, ксенофобия, религиозная политика, идентичность, Испания.
Annotation. The work is devoted to the consideration of the "Muslim issue" in the programs of political parties in Spain in the XXI century. The presence of Islam in Spain is a historically conditioned phenomenon that causes rejection among the local population. With the escalation of the migration crisis in the 21st century, the number of followers of Islam in Spain is constantly growing, and the consequences arising from this issue affect all spheres of society and the state as a whole. The touches upon the historical context of the existence and development of Islam in Spain. The author analyzes the Spanish legal framework dedicated to the declaration of religious freedom and the regulation of conflicts on religious grounds. Special attention is paid to the study of the interaction of Spanish political parties and representatives of the Muslim community of the state, as well as the analysis of the official positions of the parties in relation to Islam. Since modern Muslims in Spain are not only immigrants, but also second– and third-generation citizens of the state, the work highlights the problem of cultural identity. It also describes the methods of influence on the formation of public opinion about Muslims in Spain by analyzing the representation of Muslims in various Spanish media.
Keywords: multiculturalism, interculturalism, immigration, cultural hybridization, Islamophobia, racism, xenophobia, religious politics, identity, Spain.