Digitalization of NGO in Russia and Algeria: comparative analysis. Цифровизация НКО в России и Алжире: сравнительныйанализ
It was found that the NGOs have effectively transformed their old systems with new digital systems. NGOs need to reach out to their program participants, communities and staff. Social networks play a very important role in information sharing and online conferences to carry out a charitable mission, as citizens who need help seek the help of NGOs by contacting them on their web page.
As everything has chosen both positive and negative sides, digitalization is one of them. But the positive side dominates the negative side. In short, we can say that digitalization has a positive impact on Algerian and Russian NGOs because it is the key to the success of NGOs in recent years.
As everything has chosen both positive and negative sides, digitalization is one of them. But the positive side dominates the negative side. In short, we can say that digitalization has a positive impact on Algerian and Russian NGOs because it is the key to the success of NGOs in recent years.