Технологии профилактики протестных настроений среди студентов в УрФУ.

Нагаев Вячеслав Алексеевич


The topic of the master's thesis is "Technologies for preventing protest moods among UrFU students".
The first Chapter of the dissertation research examines the main types and directions of protest views in Russia, analyzes the role of Internet content and other factors that affect the process of forming protest moods. This allowed us to determine the main directions of empirical research.
The second Chapter highlights the main sources of information influence on the protest potential of respondents. The analysis of the level of protest mood in the student environment is carried out. Based on this analysis, the mechanisms of comprehensive prevention of the influence of negative information environment on the formation of protest potential among Ural students are optimized.
The position to be defended:
- optimized training program of SOOPr "Phoenix" aimed at identifying and preventing destructive content of the Internet and social networks to form extremist views in the youth environment.
The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography of 53 sources, and 3 appendices. The main text of the master's thesis is presented on 104 pages.